Перевод: с английского на язык хинди

с языка хинди на английский

a place

  • 81 miry

    1. कीचड़युक्त
    The place has become extremely miry.

    English-Hindi dictionary > miry

  • 82 natural

    1. प्राकृतिक
    This place is a natural beauty.
    2. स्वाभाविक
    After her recent accident it is quite natural for her to be scared of speeding vehicles.
    1. प्राकृतिक
    I believe in naturals.

    English-Hindi dictionary > natural

  • 83 newcomer

    1. नवागंतुक
    He is a newcomer to this place.

    English-Hindi dictionary > newcomer

  • 84 noiseless

    1. शांत
    An atmosphere of serenity prevails in the noiseless place.

    English-Hindi dictionary > noiseless

  • 85 opportune

    1. सुविधा\opportuneका
    This is an opportune place to fix the camp.

    English-Hindi dictionary > opportune

  • 86 overnight

    1. रात\overnightभर\overnightका
    Their flight has an overnight stop at Germany
    1. रात\overnightभर
    We all stayed overnight at our friend's place
    2. सहसा
    The singer became popular overnight

    English-Hindi dictionary > overnight

  • 87 overrun

    1. मुँह\overrunतक\overrunभर\overrunजाना
    2. बाहर\overrunनिकलना
    3. अधिक\overrunहोना
    1. फैल\overrunजाना
    The place was overrun by uninvited audience.
    2. बढ़\overrunजाना
    The seminar was overrun by ten minutes

    English-Hindi dictionary > overrun

  • 88 pace

    1. कदम
    Two paces forward from this poit is the meeting place.
    2. गति
    The pace of a flying kite is very interesting
    1. धीमी तेज़ बदलती गति
    A drunk person walks with a shaky pace

    English-Hindi dictionary > pace

  • 89 peat

    1. पाँस
    Peat is used at fire place as fuel.

    English-Hindi dictionary > peat

  • 90 peg

    1. खूँटी
    When I hang a picture on the wall, I hammer in a strong thin peg to hold it in place.
    1. खूँटी लगाना
    During a storm the people have to peg their tents firmly to the ground.

    English-Hindi dictionary > peg

  • 91 pepper

    1. गोल मिर्च
    Pepper has got a special place in ayurveda to make some kinds of medicines.
    2. एक प्रकार का सब्जी
    Peppers stuffed with rice are tasty to eat.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pepper

  • 92 pincer

    1. चिमटी/सँडसी
    Hold the bowl with pincer to place it on gas stove.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pincer

  • 93 poky

    1. ज़रा सा जगह
    He hid the jewellery box in a poky place.

    English-Hindi dictionary > poky

  • 94 power house

    1. बिजिली घर
    The explosion took place in power house.

    English-Hindi dictionary > power house

  • 95 prison

    1. कारागार
    A prison is a place where people are kept as a punishment.

    English-Hindi dictionary > prison

  • 96 quit

    1. छोड़\quitदेना
    We quit the place as fast as we could.

    English-Hindi dictionary > quit

  • 97 regimental

    1. पलटन\regimentalया\regimentalरेज़िमेण्ट\regimentalसम्बन्धी
    Regimental parade was took place on republic day.

    English-Hindi dictionary > regimental

  • 98 relative

    1. संबंधित
    The file relative to the case is missing.
    2. तुलनात्मक
    The relative advantages of gas and electricity are different.
    3. सम्बन्ध\relativeवाचक\relativeक्रिया-विषेशण
    This is the place where we met.
    4. सम्बन्ध\relativeवाचक\relativeसर्वनाम " pronoun,
    The boy whom I met.' whom'is a relative pronoun.
    1. सगा
    She is my close relative.

    English-Hindi dictionary > relative

  • 99 religious

    1. मज़हबी/धार्मिक
    Temple is a religious place for Hindus.
    There is a religious house at the country side.
    2. धार्मिक\religiousस्वभाव\religiousका
    She's very religious.
    3. निष्ठापूर्वक
    Pay religious attention to detail.

    English-Hindi dictionary > religious

  • 100 replication

    1. प्रतिकृति
    Replication of genes takes place in D.N.A.

    English-Hindi dictionary > replication

См. также в других словарях:

  • place — [ plas ] n. f. • 1080 « endroit »; lat. pop. °plattea, class. platea I ♦ 1 ♦ (1370; h. XIIe) Lieu public, espace découvert, généralement entouré de constructions. ⇒ esplanade, rond point; piazza. Petite place. ⇒ placette. Place d une ville… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • placé — place [ plas ] n. f. • 1080 « endroit »; lat. pop. °plattea, class. platea I ♦ 1 ♦ (1370; h. XIIe) Lieu public, espace découvert, généralement entouré de constructions. ⇒ esplanade, rond point; piazza. Petite place. ⇒ placette. Place d une ville… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Place Louis-XV — Place de la Concorde Pour les articles homonymes, voir Concorde (homonymie). 48° 51′ 56″ N 2° 19′ 16″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place Stan — Place Stanislas Places Stanislas, de la Carrière et d Alliance à Nancy 1 Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO Le pavillon de l Opéra en mars 2007 Latitude …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place de la Republique (Caen) — Place de la République (Caen) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Place de la République. 49° 10′ 53″ N 0°  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place de la Révolution — Place de la Concorde Pour les articles homonymes, voir Concorde (homonymie). 48° 51′ 56″ N 2° 19′ 16″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place de la Révolution (actuelle place de la Concorde) — Place de la Concorde Pour les articles homonymes, voir Concorde (homonymie). 48° 51′ 56″ N 2° 19′ 16″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place de la Révolution (actuelle place de la Concorde ) — Place de la Concorde Pour les articles homonymes, voir Concorde (homonymie). 48° 51′ 56″ N 2° 19′ 16″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place de la concorde — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Concorde (homonymie). 48° 51′ 56″ N 2° 19′ 16″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Place de la république (caen) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Place de la République. 49° 10′ 53″ N 0°  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • place — PLACE. s. f. Lieu, espace qu occupe ou peut occuper une personne, une chose. La place est remplie. la place est vuide. mettre chaque chose à sa place. en sa place. laisser la place libre. changer des livres, des meubles de place. il change de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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